Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services. They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and ...
Component 14 includes members who work for employers that exist primarily to serve Indigenous populations. Employers include ...
Component 14 was created in early 2025. The component executive will be formed after local elections. To contact the local executives after elections are complete, please reach out to your BCGEU area ...
Each Component is divided into Locals, which represent members in regional geographic areas. Locals elect representatives to the Component Executive, which represents all members in the component.
Rejects assertions that doing so would be a move backwards for individuals with disabilities Burnaby (Coast Salish Territories) – Following recent concerns that bringing Community Living BC’s (CLBC) ...
In response to the 2025 B.C. throne speech, B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) president Paul Finch released the following statement: A strong public sector is critical to a thriving economy. The ...
Unionizing your workplace with your coworkers presents an opportunity for better wages and benefits, job security, fairness in scheduling, stronger health & safety, a voice at your workplace, respect, ...
Component 1 includes members who work as Correctional Officers in provincial prisons and as Deputy Sheriffs for the B.C. Sheriff Services. We are pleased to announce the results of the acclamations ...
We are pleased to announce that your collective agreement was ratified by 66.7%. This means that your new collective agreement is effective as of April 1, 2024. You will receive retro pay for any ...
The BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU) supports the coalition of former and current students who are opposing the closure of Surrey Learning Centres, also known as alternative education sites.
Where do you turn for volunteer experience that builds community at school and builds your resume? Sign up for the KSA Volunteer Program where hundreds of KSA students have logged volunteer hours ...