DESCRIPTION: The Andean flamingo is both the most rare and tallest of all six species of flamingo. It has a traditional pink coloration throughout its body, with a pale yellow face and black tail ...
Can you think of a more destructive way to extract resources than blowing up a mountain? How about if the waste from doing it is dumped straight into mountain streams? Mountaintop removal is a radical ...
DESCRIPTION: Pangolins are mammals but are uniquely covered from head to tail with large, geometric scales made of keratin. Pangolins range in weight from just 4 pounds to a record 70 pounds.
In the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico lies a region boasting the highest biodiversity in inland North America. Isolated mountain ranges topped by 10,000-foot peaks rise from ...
Mexico's Gulf of California — one of the most biodiverse places on the planet — teems with 891 species of fish and a third of the world's cetacean species, including the smallest and most endangered ...
Known for their 6-foot-long necks, distinctive patterning and long eyelashes, giraffes have always captured the human imagination. These amazing African animals have the highest blood pressure among ...
DESCRIPTION: Humphead wrasse are enormous reef fish, having been measured as long as seven feet and weighing up to 420 pounds. The wrasse has thick, full lips and a forehead hump that becomes more ...
The word jaguar comes from the South American Tupi and Guarani languages. A likely origin is the word yaguareté, meaning “true, fierce beast.” DESCRIPTION: The largest cat native to North America and ...
The grizzly bear is so named because its hair is grizzled, or silver tipped, yet the name is commonly believed to be derived from “grisly,” meaning “horrible.” DESCRIPTION: A subspecies of brown bear, ...
The yellow-billed cuckoo is sometimes called the "rain crow" because its song is often heard just before thunderstorms or summer showers. But this rare bird raises its voice less and less often in ...
Did your childhood include swallowtail and monarch butterflies fluttering through your neighborhood? Caterpillars chewing backyard leaves? Warm summer nights with fireflies blinking in the bushes? The ...
The northern long-eared bat — distinguishable from its close relatives, as one might presume, by its long ears — is a small bat associated with mature, interior forest environments. Unlike most other ...