Whistleblowing is the commonly used term for reporting on or exposing malpractice in the workplace – this could be something improper, illegal or negligent. The vast majority of veterinary surgeons ...
Work experience is the short-term placement of secondary school students with employers, to provide an insight into the veterinary profession and the veterinary workplace. Students are placed with ...
We’ve joined forces with BSAVA and BVZS to spread the word on the importance of providing companionship for pet rabbits. We’re also doing our own bit of myth busting by encouraging owners not to house ...
It is essential for sheep health and welfare, that any procedures having the potential to create pain and suffering should be balanced against the need for that procedure. Castration and tail-docking ...
On 17 November, the final changes to the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMRs) will come into force. These were passed in Parliament earlier this year as part of the Veterinary Medicines (Amendment ...
Sustainable animal agriculture is defined as animal agriculture carried out in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the future. Global ...
This factsheet, produced by BVA's legal helpline provider, looks at what employees should consider when using social media.
This factsheet, produced by BVA's legal helpline provider, aims to demystify the phrase 'constructive dismissal' and explain what it really means.
Initial Emergency Treatment (IET) is the preliminary assessment and care of sick and injured animals. This guide outlines the arrangement between BVA and RSPCA for payment for IET of sick or injured ...
Neutering is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, in both cats and dogs. But some owners may be anxious about making this decision on behalf of their pets. They may be concerned about ...
The Dangerous Dogs Act (1991) was introduced in the UK following a series of serious, and in some cases fatal, dog attacks on humans. The Act has been widely discredited for failing to address the ...
This factsheet, produced by BVA's legal helpline provider, looks at illness and performance related dismissals, long-term absence, and more.