Many recent articles, in this publication and others, have narrowly cited the 150-hour requirement for CPA licensure as a ...
In Brief While many in the profession have expressed concern about the current 150-hour model's effect on the shrinking ...
Currently, in order to be licensed, CPA candidates must earn a bachelor's degree (usually 120 hours), earn 30 hours beyond ...
For decades, the accounting talent shortage in the United States has been a serious concern for academicians, policymakers, ...
Under the direction of CPA Evolution Initiative the new Uniform CPA Examination has updated to test more rigorously for the kind of real-world skills that candidates will need to employ in practice.
In Brief Many accounting leaders and observers have pointed out the need to expand the pipeline to the profession and ...
While NASBA and the AICPA have long supported the 150-hour pathway to CPA licensure, opinions differ as to whether the 30 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree produce more qualified professionals. The ...
The supply of new accounting students and CPAs—the pipeline to the profession—has been a topic of growing concern over the past several years, driven by research indicating that barriers to entry were ...