explore charging for access to some public conservation land streamline concessions and planning processes and enable more flexibility around land exchange and disposals. These proposals support ...
No dogs. Other pets on conservation land rules. Discover the Outdoors interactive map A short climb on an old dirt road leads from the car park to Diamond Lake. A shady nature trail then goes around ...
With elevated views on a terrace and clothed in beech forest, Upper Te Hoe Huts is a good midway point from Central Te Hoe Hut and Upper Whirinaki Hut. New Zealand Deer Stalkers Association help ...
Check which access roads into Mt Richmond Forest Park are open or closed. Check for alerts about temporary changes that may affect the safety or enjoyment of your trip into Mount Richmond Forest Park.
Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) is the country’s biggest land manager and regulates how economic activity takes place on conservation land by issuing concessions, to ensure ...
DOC has announced that bookings for the 2025/26 season for New Zealand’s Great Walks and other huts and campsites will open in May. Opening dates are staggered between 13 to 28 May to give people ...
This short walk in Montgomery Scenic Reserve will take you to a huge forked lowland tōtara that is over 2000 years old. The huge tōtara can be reached after a few minutes walk into the bush. This ...
No dogs. Other pets on conservation land rules. Discover the Outdoors interactive map Becketts Hut is sited just inside the forest edge at the top of a small tussock clearing, on the true left of the ...
HealthPost Nature Trust will carry out restoration work in the Triangle Flat area of the farm park. They aim to build a 3 km-long low predator fence across the base of the spit to provide a line of ...
One of the world’s oldest generators in continuous operation has been keeping visitors staying at Dawson Falls warm since 1935. The power station’s generator is the oldest in continuous operation in ...
South Island kākā, Charlie Girl, will remain at the Dunedin Botanic Garden Aviary where she’s being well looked after, for the foreseeable future, following an independent assessment into the parrot’s ...