Villa Borsani diventa la prima location fuori Fiera accessibile solo a pagamento: si stanno creando più saloni all’interno della Design Week milanese?
Villa Borsani becomes the first location outside the Fair that will be only accessible for a fee: is more than one Salone being created within Milan Design Week?
For Milano Art Week, the photographer returns to Milan with a project for Volvo Studio: an exploration of the city’s skyline that invites a participatory reinterpretation of the urban landscape.
In occasione della Milano Art Week il fotografo torna a Milano con un progetto per Volvo Studio: un’esplorazione dello skyline cittadino per rileggere la città.
Between neon, painting, and sculpture, the work of the british visual artist, now on display in Florence, does not seek comfort but rather pure existence: a visceral narrative of fragility and ...
Tra neon, pittura e scultura, l’opera dell'artista britannica, ora in mostra a Firenze, non cerca conforto, ma esistenza pura ...