Over the years, there have been 17 owner artists – not including the three current ones: Kapustka, Shawn Lotze and Lorna ...
The undersigned former mayors of Durango support voting yes on Durango’s April Ballot Issue 2A to reauthorize the 2005 half-cent sales tax. This is not a new tax; it will simply allow the city to ...
Durango voters face an important decision with Ballot Issue 2A, which asks voters to extend the city’s half-cent sales tax. I believe citizens should vote “no” on 2A, despite strong voices from City ...
It’s interesting how Durango is having an affordable housing/rental crisis and no one seems to know what the answer to the problem is. Well, it seems pretty obvious to me! Imagine how many rentals ...
It’s happening earlier and earlier every year. At the start of the new millennium, the black bears living around Durango typically started emerging from their winter dens around mid-April. Today, ...
In regard to the upcoming primary election for La Plata County Treasurer, I would like to make the important distinction between speaking “negatively” of an elected official versus holding one ...
- All letters must be "signed" (digital is fine) by the writer using his/her/they legal name and place of residence (city and state) - Email all letters to telegraph@durangotelegraph.com ...
There’s only one parenthetical that I can’t go to sleep until I address: I’m like Pinocchio in more ways than one? Name even just one way I’m like Pinocchio. I’m not a puppet, nor am I made of wood.
Job Description: Meter readers comprise an elite parking ordinance enforcement unit designed to protect the public from the ever-present threat of poorly parked cars and dilly-dalliers. Specially ...