Second grader Vanessa Wesbur made history as the youngest competitor in the regional spelling bee, advancing to the fifth ...
Infrastructure improvements for Highway 98 could preserve military operations that are critical to national security and the ...
The $157,770 contract with Jobe's Dirt Works will include removing existing structures and weatherproofing the remaining ...
Local middle school students demonstrated civic knowledge in the competition, with winners advancing to state finals in Tallahassee on May 31.
The new location will provide classes for beginners of all ages, from preschoolers to adults, continuing the school's mission ...
The "Growing Laurel Hill" program will serve 150 students in rural Okaloosa County, creating hands-on agricultural career ...
From college sports to cookies, couple transforms former boutique into bakery after community's warm welcome inspires them to ...
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Join the best local newsletter read by thousands of locals each weekday morning. Best of all, it’s free!