Bond yields jumped and lenders shelved plans for a Spring mortgage rate sale as the cost of living in frosty Canada took a big turn in the wrong direction. Economists at BMO called the event “massive.
Hudson’s Bay Corp. owes about $1 billion in debt, plus whatever it will cost to unload 9,000 employees. The company said that recently it has about $3 million on hand, in cash. That’s enough to run ...
Professor Bessembinder and his associates utilized security data from the Center for Research in Securities Prices (CRSP).
Just seven more sleeps until the big budget next Tuesday, when we get to see if there’s more to modern Liberalism than a really bitchin’ selfie. As you might imagine, rumours are flying. The latest is ...
Since the end of the Global Financial Crisis in mid-2009, the US equity market has achieved an average annual return of over ...
Once there was a young lawyer. He awoke from years of study, and was confused. He wrote me. I am gleefully close to finally paying off 96k in student loans. I am trying to determine what my investment ...
PUBLIC NOTICE: The following blog post has nothing to do with Covid-19. It is virus-free, devoid of any toilet tissue, and no respirologists were injured during its production. You are on your own.
“I hate your blog,” Evelyn writes. “No, I hate you. Hate your advice. Your arrogant responses to people. I even hate your stupid dog pictures.” And what brings on this torrent of Garth abuse? Guess.
You’re going to die. And you’ll probably get really sick first and, at the same time, your brain won’t be functioning nearly as well as it used to. So, on that cheerful note, let’s look more closely ...
In case you missed it, trouble’s back. Devastating earthquake overnight in Japan. Gas at the station near the bunker is now $1.21 for regular. China’s exports slowed. Spain had its credit rating cut.