Professor Bessembinder and his associates utilized security data from the Center for Research in Securities Prices (CRSP).
Since the end of the Global Financial Crisis in mid-2009, the US equity market has achieved an average annual return of over ...
Stocks take a dump as Trump confirms tariffs. Link. During the sordid history of this pathetic blog, we’ve seen a lot. It ...
Last month the Wall Street Journal, a bastion for conservative and free market principles, penned an editorial excoriating ...
“Long Time reader of the blog and hailing from Cowtown,” says Derek. “Shamelessly looking for some free blog friendly advice for someone trying to make the single income thing work!” Yes, there are ...
Just seven more sleeps until the big budget next Tuesday, when we get to see if there’s more to modern Liberalism than a really bitchin’ selfie. As you might imagine, rumours are flying. The latest is ...
‘GreaterFool’ the blog is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is not intended to be construed as investment advice. The information and any statistical data contained herein have ...
“I am sure many Canadians are wondering about whose side NATO will take in a US invasion?” Denis asked this morning. “The world watched (as did NATO) when Trump’s buddy invaded Ukraine. Now Canada is ...
It’s a big scary world. But most people, wisely, live small. After all, you can’t change Trump, monetary policy or the ozone layer. But you can look after your family, your own future and your joy. So ...
It’s gone too far. Canada cannot be annexed, occupied, or held. American voters made a grave error. Trump will go. The memory will not. There are still scorched timbers in my basement.