The cuts and freezes in funding and federal employees is having local impacts that some might find surprising - like people ...
The cuts and freezes in funding and federal employees is having local impacts that some might find surprising - like people ...
A few weeks ago, I submitted a Letter to the Editor, hoping to express concern about drastic changes in federal government and also to encourage contact with our elected Montana D.C. delegation. I’ve ...
The Northern Montana Health Care (NMHC) Board of Trustees announces the upcoming retirement of Chief Executive Oficer Dave Henry and the appointment of Dr. Kevin Harada as his successor, effective ...
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) and RecruitMilitary® will co-host the National Virtual Veterans Career Fair, March 18 from ...
It has been a privilege to serve you over the past 12 years as an Internal Medicine physician and hospitalist. It was always my goal to return to a rural community to practice medicine, and I am glad ...
I explained and apologized last month that I didn't realize how many cousins there were in the Havre High School Class of ...
9:30 a.m. — Commissioner Working Session in the Commissioner Office. People may participate online at ...
Press release Havre Lions donated flags for the 47 year in honor of Presidents' Day. In 1979 Lion President Mike Wojowick and ...
Davey Elementary School SY2025-2026 enrollment has begun. Contact the District Clerk (406-265-6970) for more information.
Pioneer Producers and volunteers gathered Monday afternoon to assist in transporting 3600 pounds of beef to Big Sandy to be distributed to the towns school and senior center. Volunteers ranged from ...