The Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH), The Finnish Karl Marx Society, and Resilient and Just Systems (RESET) are jointly organizing a seminar on fossil capitalism and ...
Öppna universitetet erbjuder studier inom Helsingfors universitets utbildningsprogram och Språkcentrum för alla intresserade. Sommarstudier erbjuds från början ...
Tutustu miten voit hakea teologian ja uskonnontutkimuksen kandiohjelmaan ja selvitä onko se oikea juuri sinulle. Hakuaika Suomen- ja ruotsinkielisiin koulutusohjelmien hakuaika syksyllä 2025 alkaviin ...
The 5th Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism, and Polarisation (HEPP5) will take place this week, from 4 to 7 March, at the University of Helsinki. The 5th Helsinki Conference on Emotions, ...
European and Nordic Studies students made the annual excursion to Riga in February. European and Nordic Studies students made the annual excursion to Riga this year. We visited many interesting ...
As the Associate Professor of the Anthropology of Music at Aarhus University in Denmark, I research social aspects of music cultures vis-à-vis inequalities of health and well-being, climate change ...
Language-Supported Basic Studies in Early Childhood Education are designed for immigrants interested in the field of early childhood education. The studies include courses in early childhood education ...
Lahjoitusten turvin Helsingin yliopisto edistää tekoälymenetelmien tutkimusta ja tarjoaa tutkijoille uramahdollisuuksia. Tammikuussa uutisoitiin Peter Sarlinin mittavasta lahjoituksesta, jonka turvin ...
Donations allow the University of Helsinki to promote research on AI-powered approaches and provide researchers with career opportunities. In January, news emerged of a major donation by Peter Sarlin, ...
From December 4 to 6, 2024, the NaPPI team participated in a comprehensive data management training course in Paris, organized by the PHENET and EMPHASIS communities. The training focused on ...
Helsinki Education Hub (HEH) and The International Centre for EdTech Impact (ICEI), based in Stavanger, Norway, and are joining forces to support EdTech startups in evidence-building and market ...
At the beginning of January 2025, the LEARN partners came together in frosty Amsterdam for their second major meeting. The primary aim was to gain an overview of the very diverse and varied European ...