BAU: Gereja St Stephen bersukacita apabila seorang pemuda dari paroki itu ditahbis sebagai Diakon baru-baru ini. Seminarian ...
Hasil kerjasama daripada tiga Komuniti Umat Katolik (KUK) di Zon Nabawan, menyebabkan kejayaan majlis ulang tahun empat orang paderi.
Lukas sesudah bercerita (Luk 9:22-27), bahawa Yesus sendiri harus menderita, mati dan bangkit, langsung memberitakan ...
Walau bagaimanapun, dalam pergolakan ini, Yesus memberi jaminan kepada kita bahawa satu perkara tetap pasti: Janji Tuhan yang ...
Pejabat akhbar Takhta Suci mengeluarkan kenyataan pada petang Rabu, Mac 6 yang menyediakan maklumat terkini perubatan harian ...
Perubatan terbaik untuk menyembuhkan kesakitan keluarga yang cedera adalah pengampunan, kata Sri Paus Fransiskus.
Lord, humble me so I can change for the better and genuinely love another as You love selflessly ...
Lord, humble me so I can change for the better and genuinely love another as You love selflessly ...
The serene surroundings of St Lukas Centre became a hub of spiritual renewal and camaraderie as 62 altar servers from the ...
The Theology of the Body session last month, at the Church of Christ the Light was truly eye - opening . Led by Sr Retta ...
The young people aboard the Bel Espoir will embody this mission, becoming ambassadors of dialogue and peace as they sail ...
Hidden within the dense vegetation of Pulau Jerejak, the Chapel of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary — also known as the Leper Asylum Church — stands as a poignant reminder of a bygone era. Cardinal ...