Ben Schneer, assistant professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School and expert on American politics, examines ...
The Public Leadership Credential team offers exclusive one-hour information sessions and 30-minute “Ask Me Anything” sessions. These sessions are an opportunity to learn more about the PLC and ask any ...
The Stone Program in Wealth Distribution, Inequality, and Social Policy welcomes Professor Gary Gerstle to speak in the Stone ...
Harvard Kennedy School faculty members Danielle Allen and Mark Fagan explain the guidelines, guardrails, and principles that ...
March 2020. GrowthPolicy’s Devjani Roy interviewed Dan Levy, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and Faculty Director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Public Leadership Credential, ...
2021, Paper: "Most global corruption statistics are based on estimation, extrapolation, or generalisation. How plausible are they? We review ten of the most widely cited claims, tracing each to its ...
November 2019, Paper, "Despite the rising use of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings in financial markets, there is substantial disagreement across rating agencies regarding what ...
2021, Paper: "The last decade has seen an expo nential increase in corporate sus tainability activities and efforts by investors to use these activi ties in their portfolio formation, valuation, and ...
2021, Paper: "In this paper, we quantify the magnitude of R&D spillovers created by grants to small firms from the US Department of Energy. Our empirical strategy leverages variation due to ...
Summer 2021, Paper: "As businesses work through the complexity of return-to-office strategies and determine how to manage a forever-hybrid workforce, the need to cultivate — and preserve — effective ...
September 2020, Paper: "How do the different elements in the standard bundle of property rights – such as the right of possession or the right of transfer – differentially impact outcomes, such as ...
December 2020, Book Chapter: "This chapter provides an overview of the evolution of international business (IB) over time as well as the predominant strategies used by multinational enterprises (MNEs) ...