Tina Regan, 68, has been touched by cancer personally and has seen the devastating impact it has had on her immediate family. That is why she has pledged to leave a gift in her Will to fund our vital ...
The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Cotswold Road, Sutton, Surrey, UK. This course is organised by the Joint Department of Physics of The Royal Marsden NHS ...
We are very grateful that so many of you recognise the cutting-edge research carried out at The Institute of Cancer Research.
The dedication of these charities, set up when a family has been touched by cancer, drives forward our research immeasurably. We are so grateful to work with such passionate organisations and receive ...
We identified many of the cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoke and coal tar – including the first pure carcinogen ever to be isolated We now know that exposure to certain chemicals, such as ...
Scientists from The Institute of Cancer Research, London, will be part of a team of international researchers who have secured funding to study the genetic secrets of childhood cancer neuroblastoma.
The Breast Cancer Now Nina Barough Pathology Core Facility provides diagnostic and research-based histopathology to both the Breast Cancer Now Research Centre and research teams within The Institute ...
We are a world-leading cancer research institute, a charity, and a member institution of the University of London. Public donations and clinical partnerships are helping us to make the discoveries ...
Siobhan’s Superstar Legacy was set up by Siobhan’s parents, Antony and Sarah Mather, in memory of their daughter after she ...
Clinical trials are the single best way to turn advances in science into patient benefits. The ICR has a vision that a suitable trial should be made available for every person with cancer who wants to ...
The Institute of Cancer Research believes that animal research is essential to understand how cancers develop and behave within a whole organism, and how to treat it effectively. We use animal studies ...
This statement outlines the ICR’s process for remunerating senior staff, in accordance with the Higher Education Senior Staff Remuneration Code issued by the Committee of University Chairs in November ...