L’OIM adhère à la définition de la responsabilité à l’égard des personnes touchées donnée par le Comité permanent interorganisations, à savoir un engagement actif des acteurs humanitaires à user de ...
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has expressed shock and concern at the discovery of two mass graves in ...
Nairobi –The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and 45 humanitarian and development partners are appealing for ...
IOM has built up a significant knowledge base on the international legal norms and principles that protect the rights of migrants and regulate migration. These norms are referred to as international ...
IOM prioritizes whole-of-government, whole-of-society approaches to safely connect people, goods, services, knowledge and innovation. In a context where the promise to leave no one behind and the ...
IOM’s overarching goal is to ensure the protection, respect and fulfilment of the rights and well-being of migrants, regardless of their migration status, at the centre of its operations. IOM promotes ...
En la OIM no tenemos mayor activo que nuestra fuerza laboral, que con sus diversas competencias y capacidades contribuye a impulsar el cumplimiento de nuestra misión y los efectos de nuestra labor a ...
Inter-State Consultation Mechanisms on migration (ISCM) are State‐led, ongoing information‐sharing and policy dialogues at the regional, interregional or global level for States with an interest in ...
IOM enables resettlement, relocation and voluntary repatriation solutions for displaced persons who have fled conflict, violence and disaster. It works closely with governments, intergovernmental and ...
IOM’s CCCM operations involve local and national stakeholders in preparing for displacement and improving living conditions and protection for internally displaced persons. Equitable access to ...
IOM partners with Member States to enhance migration policies, legal frameworks, technical infrastructure, and human resources to address migration challenges and unlock opportunities in immigration ...