As a very welcome surprise in today's Nintendo Direct presentation, a brand new Zelda games was an ... It's a great day for Zelda fans. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is now available ...
The game begins with Link awaking in a bed, greeted by a girl named Marin. Link finds himself on Koholint Island after being washed up on a beach. After gaining control of Link, speak to the man on ...
There's now only one more dungeon to complete and not much else before Link's Awakening is wrapped up. So let's get to it. After exiting Eagle's Tower, jump off the ledge to the right and then enter ...
When you enter this dungeon, make your way down this long corridor, defeating enemies along the way and slashing through spiderwebs and trees. When you reach the end of the hallway, slash the trees ...
The boss of Tail Cave is called Moldorm. It's a giant worm that will move about the room erratically. Touching Moldorm at all will damage Link. Its weakness is the glowing sphere at the end of its ...
From Kakariko Village - head south and following the small river. Stay by the wall and head left at the fork to reach Zora's River. Continue up the path to find Kaepora Gaebora. After speaking with ...