The Brent 2020 programme was adapted to unite communities at a time when they were unable to come together, delivered in collaboration with hundreds of volunteers, young ambassadors, teachers, artists ...
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Click on the button below to download a PDF of the entire London Plan 2016. Note that this PDF was updated in January 2017 to correct typesetting errors in policies 3.2 and 3.18. If you use assistive ...
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Mayor's Question Time meetings: the Assembly questions the Mayor, in public, ten times a year as part of its role of holding him to account. Questions put to the Mayor by the Assembly Members cover ...
There is a well-established and ever-growing body of scientific evidence linking exposure to air pollution and a number of adverse health effects across all stages of life, with these effects seen ...
Dates of London Assembly meetings are set out in the calendar below. You can access the agenda and minutes for each meeting (once available) by clicking on the title of each meeting. Meeting dates are ...
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels, a toxic gas that exacerbates asthma, impedes lung development, and raises the risk of lung cancer, have decreased by a record 27% across the entire capital [1].