Registration for SYP 2025 is now open! We can't wait to see you this summer. Our 2025 programs will run weekly from June 15 - July 25, 2025. Students are enrolled in the order applications are ...
Michigan Technological University has joined the state's University Research Corridor, solidifying the URC's position as a ...
What is an engineering degree worth? Year after year, engineering jobs in the United States and abroad are paid the highest average starting salary. Engineers get top pay. According to the U.S. Bureau ...
Michigan Technological University has been designated as an R1 research institution by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, formally placing Tech among the top research ...
Even if it's not a medical school requirement, pre-med students should consider job shadowing with doctors and other medical professionals. Admissions committees don't expect applicants to have real ...
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If you have a passion for sports or fitness—or both—a Bachelor of Science in Sports and Fitness Management is a good call on your part. At Michigan Tech, you will determine the direction of your ...
Human Resources supports all faculty, staff and students at Michigan Tech University by anticipating and meeting the needs of a changing community to attract, sustain, and inspire excellence.
See the Registration web page for registration information. While every effort is made to ensure that the Undergraduate Catalog and Schedule of Classes are accurate, unforeseen circumstances or low ...
Earthquakes really pose little direct danger to a person. People can't be shaken to death by an earthquake. Some movies show scenes with the ground suddenly opening up and people falling into fiery ...
Dig deep. Climb high. Understand, manage, sustain, protect, and restore natural resources systems. The College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University brings ...
While we do not offer a fully online degree in physics, our select online classes are regular Michigan Tech classes available to anyone qualified to take classes at Tech, anywhere in the world.