Whether the large effect size of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) for stroke due to large-vessel occlusion applies to stroke due to medium-vessel occlusion is unclear. In a multicenter, prospective ...
Endovascular treatment (EVT) of stroke with large-vessel occlusion is known to be safe and effective. The effect of EVT for occlusion of medium or distal vessels is unclear. We randomly assigned ...
This review article series focuses on fundamental and emerging concepts in nutrition, from the basic “pharmacodynamics” of food to evolving understanding of the gut and immunity and the role ...
Familial HLH is a success story in modern medicine. Initially a disease that was largely unknown and fatal, it is now understood on a molecular level and is curable. Moreover, HLH is an archetype ...
Malignant T-cell transformation after chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has been described, but the contribution of CAR integration to oncogenesis is not clear. Here we report a case ...
Welcome and thank you for considering the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) as a venue for your work. As the oldest continuously-published medical journal, our mission since 1812 has been to ...
THE relation between the thyroid gland and rheumatic disorders has long excited interest. 1–7 In particular, an association between some of the connective-tissue diseases and Hashimoto's ...
LYSOZYME, a bacteriolytic enzyme discovered in 1922 by Sir Alexander Fleming, 2 is found in a number of biologic fluids. The enzyme is a basic protein of low molecular weight that lyses ...
Obinutuzumab, a humanized type II anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, provided significantly better renal responses than placebo in a phase 2 trial involving patients with lupus nephritis receiving ...
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is a publication of NEJM Group — Owned & Published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. Hugh M. Taylor, M.D.