The opinions expressed in this event recording are those of the speaker. For more information, view our full statement on external contributors. How can we make good things happen? Our event series ...
Martina joins Nesta as an analyst for the sustainable future mission, focusing on the reduction of carbon emissions from households across the UK. This explainer looks into the differences in the way ... ...
All babies and children need stable, caring relationships and stimulating experiences to thrive. The environment and experiences of early childhood shape our brains and bodies, creating the building ...
Nesta Impact Investments backs innovative businesses that focus on creating social and environmental good. We want to harness the power of commercial innovation and technology to support Nesta’s ...
The Centre for Collective Intelligence Design explores how human and machine intelligence can be combined to develop innovative solutions to social challenges Principal Researcher, Centre for ...
This practice guide shows what innovation teams and labs do, and provides a practical introduction to establishing and running a new team or lab. Principal Researcher - Public and Social Innovation ...
Farming, an industry perpetuated with idyllic rural images, is embarking upon a new revolution – precision agriculture. Precision agriculture uses satellite position data, remote sensing devices and ... ...
From the Middle Ages to the present day, these ideas have fueled charitable giving, built communities and saved lives - enabling people to help people. From education to healthcare, from political ...
People who have had heat pumps installed in older houses are just as likely to be satisfied with their heating than those in newer properties, the first major survey of heat pump users finds today.
We've launched a service connecting people who are interested in getting a heat pump with local heat pump owners. Book a visit to see a heat pump near you In 2022 we delivered a pilot service called ...