In this dynamic lesson demonstration for K-2nd grade, we will guide students through the process of exploring "Holidays Throughout the Seasons" by designing and creating their own parade floats using ...
On March 5, 2025, the NJCU Board of Trustees, in compliance with the April 2024 Transition Plan mandates from the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, announced NJCU would pursue a ...
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Welcome to the CPS events page! Here you can view a schedule of all upcoming college events such as program information sessions, guest speaker or alumni presentations, and events focused on student ...
Q: What is the NJCU Affiliates program? A: The NJCU Affiliates program provides unique opportunities for alumni and/or partnerships with various institutions and organizations, with benefits such as ...
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
This inspiring slam poetry event invites voices from all backgrounds to take the stage and reclaim their power through poetry. The theme of "reclaiming power" is open to interpretation, providing ...