Psychiatric disorders are very common in primary care settings. Limited access to mental health specialty care has led to an increase in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment in the primary care clinic.
The Oregon Stem Cell Center conducts basic and applied research in the field of Stem Cell Biology with the long term goal to harness the properties of stem cells for regenerative medicine and cell ...
Neurological surgeons at OHSU, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, and the four other hospitals we serve, deliver comprehensive surgical care for patients with brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve ...
OHSU has locations throughout Oregon and southwest Washington. Our primary locations are in southwest Portland on the Marquam Hill Campus and in the South Waterfront Central District. The largest OHSU ...
Join our team supporting Oregon’s top-ranked patient care. Each one of these opportunities will include excellent benefits and pay. Apply now to start the screening process for our hiring event on ...
Streamline and increase trainee access to ID-related scholarly projects Increase our ability to provide opportunities for multi-level trainee projects where ID faculty, fellows, medical and pharmacy ...
Launch your nursing career with a degree from Oregon’s only academic health center. Study close to home. Take classes on the Southern Oregon University campus and complete clinicals at sites in and ...
Welcome to the OHSU School of Dentistry the Office of Continuing Dental Education. Receive your year-round courses taught by world-renowned researchers and scholars who present on topics that will ...
OHSU faculty members Owen McCarty, Ph.D. (left) and Joseph Aslan, Ph.D. (second from right) took postdoctoral fellow Jenny Si-Han Wang (third from left) and five ORION interns (left to right: ...
The Child Development and Rehabilitation Center (CDRC) combines clinical excellence with innovative research to provide the best care for children with special health needs. Our clinics use a ...
Too often, cancer isn’t found until it’s advanced and harder to treat. Worrying about having cancer can also feel overwhelming. Taking steps to find cancer early can help you feel more in control of ...
Patent Medicines and Poisons: A Glimpse into America's Health History Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root. Artifact Collection [PPCXXXX.72]. A homeopathic physician, Dr. Sylvester Andral Kilmer founded his ...