Our current housestaff originate from all geographical areas of the United States and beyond. We average 105 housestaff per year (35 per class).
Dr. Leslie B. Hammer specializes in the effects of workplace conditions, including supportive supervision at work and occupational stress, on workplace mental health and well-being. She is the ...
For prior year academic calendars or questions about the calendar, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of ...
The OHSU Transgender Health Program can connect you with health care in gender-affirming environments for any health need. Though we don’t schedule appointments or provide care directly, we can help ...
The Outpatient Pharmacy (Physicians Pavilion) is located on the Marquam Hill Campus on the first floor of the Physicians Pavilion Building, just off the main lobby. Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
B.A., 2004, University of Notre Dame M.P.H., 2008, University of Kansas M.D., 2010, University of Kansas Schwab P, Harmon D, Bruno R, Fraunfelder F, Kim D. A 55-year ...
The Oregon Stem Cell Center conducts basic and applied research in the field of Stem Cell Biology with the long term goal to harness the properties of stem cells for regenerative medicine and cell ...
Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education and research.
The Dutch famine, also known as the Dutch Hunger Winter, occurred in The Netherlands at the end of World War II. The Nazis had cut off food supplies to the western part of The Netherlands in ...
A visit to an OHSU primary care clinic is the start of a lifelong relationship. From newborns to great-grandparents — and everyone in between — our care adjusts as you grow. Learn about primary care ...
Patent Medicines and Poisons: A Glimpse into America's Health History Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root. Artifact Collection [PPCXXXX.72]. A homeopathic physician, Dr. Sylvester Andral Kilmer founded his ...
Doernbecher Gender Clinic locations offer a full range of services for transgender and gender-nonconforming children and teens. You’ll find: Our DGC patients are amazing artists and creators. We would ...