Benefit offerings and their costs to employers vary widely across job types. This interactive tool allows users to explore how a business’s industry, size, and the level of pay it provides to workers ...
Housing costs rise when there are not enough homes to meet demand. Pennsylvania, in part because of restrictive zoning regulations, ranked 44th among the 50 states on rate of housing built from 2017 ...
Policymakers at all levels of government have many difficult choices to make as rising health care, education, and infrastructure costs place pressures on annual budgets and outpace revenue growth.
Increasing broadband deployment has been a critical component of the United States’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a central aspect of the recent wave of funding aimed at modernizing the ...
For the past two years, state and local governments have been a major force in the job market, hiring new employees at a pace not seen in decades and helping drive the nation’s overall employment ...
The broadband access initiative works with state and federal policymakers, researchers, and other partners to accelerate the nation’s progress toward universal, affordable high-speed internet service.
A December 2023 report from California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office found that the state’s projected deficits had increased to $155 billion through fiscal year 2028, exponentially more than ...
Pandemic relief aid continued to inflate the percentage of state government revenue made up of federal dollars in fiscal year 2022. The share decreased by less than a percentage point from the prior ...
Fiscal 50 is an interactive platform that provides clear, data-driven portraits of state fiscal conditions. Users can view, sort, and analyze data on key trends that shape states’ fiscal health now ...
This video is hosted by YouTube. In order to view it, you must consent to the use of “Marketing Cookies” by updating your preferences in the Cookie Settings link below. View on YouTube This video is ...
The large growth of the United States’ criminal legal system in the late 20th century brought a widening racial gap in incarceration. 1 By the year 2000, Black people made up almost half of the state ...
In June 2022, The Pew Charitable Trusts assessed the status of Philadelphia’s economic recovery two years into the pandemic, identifying five key questions likely to determine the city’s future ...