The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the worst conflict-affected countries to be a child. Today, the number of people in the DRC facing extreme hunger is among the highest in the world.
Every child has the right to a future. For children and families living in conflict or suffering as a result of poverty, persecution or lack of opportunity–the future is not guaranteed. That’s why, ...
Because water is a basic staple, Save the Children’s health teams have been providing potable water and promoting health and hygiene – in addition to crop planting and cultivation, and animal breeding ...
2024 has been a monumental year for children around the world. Thanks to your support, Save the Children has worked tirelessly to create a brighter future for children everywhere—a future they truly ...
Get Your Family Ready and Safe. When a disaster strikes or a crisis breaks out, your first thoughts are often of family – especially your little ones. That’s why Save the Children launched Get Ready.
As Syria faces a critical turning point with cautious optimism for the future, the needs of children have never been higher. Nearly 14 years of conflict and economic crises have left about 16.7 ...
The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Rising sea levels, higher temperatures, and increased frequency of typhoons and extreme weather events have led to floods, ...
Child trafficking affects every country in the world, including the United States. Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three identified child victims ...
Starting from the very first hour of an infant’s life, breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the baby’s health and development. A mother can receive health benefits as well, several of which ...
Children’s lives, safety, well-being and futures are under attack in an increasingly dangerous and unequal world. In 2023 millions of children suffered the consequences of conflict, extreme climate ...
Find a quiet space away from distractions. If you're trying these relaxation exercises with a child or a group of children, make sure your instructions are clear and engaging. Remember: you don't have ...
Ethiopia is Africa's second-most populated country, with a population of 115 million. Ethiopia is the third largest refugee-hosting country in Africa, sheltering over 800,000 registered refugees. With ...