High school offers are now available! You can get your offer in your MySchools account or through your child's school. Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to access your offer and waitlists on ...
Did you know that you can track your child’s education on any computer, phone, or tablet? You can sign up for an account by entering a few basic details. This will allow you to begin receiving ...
You may be required to provide certain forms to enroll your child into a DOE public school program. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to download the ones you ...
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. Title IX provides, “No person in ...
Each student and staff member brings to our public school community the richness of our city’s cultural diversity and the desire for respect. It is the policy of the Department to maintain a safe and ...
New York City schools offer many health services to support student health. School physicians and nurses conduct physical exams and help manage the health of students with health issues like asthma, ...
The NYC Public Schools' website can be translated by selecting your language on the top part of any of its public pages. This feature has been enabled for your convenience using translation software ...
Your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is your gateway to support and track your children's progress—grades, attendance, and now transportation. Already have a NYCSA ...
Civics Week is here! All week long, we're excited to celebrate the importance of youth voice and our 2025 theme, "Democracy Begins Here!" There are lots of great activities for learning about civic ...
The Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) is a 24-member, voting body overseeing New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and is comprised of community leaders across every neighborhood and borough of New ...
NYC Public Schools have launched Climate Action Days: four days to celebrate climate action in every school. Climate Action Days are a fun, creative learning opportunity for entire school communities.