The other day when Baby Brandon was here my sister and I explained to him why you can't touch the baby's head because of their soft spot, Daxton without hesitation asked " so if we punch him in the ...
Nothing like being on the phone with your elderly mother while having to explain fertilization of chicken eggs to a 6 year old.
I Discovered That Brewing Coffee At Home is Art And Pleasure To Enjoy It. When I went to Mexico for a short visit two weeks ...
Latest Weather News. The US is Expecting A MEGA-STORM This weekend our country will experience one of the most destructive storms ever, a mega-storm.
Welcome to Solid America. Please place a photo in your profile to become an official member of the best American Social Media Website ...
Anytime you and your significant other has an argument or go through something it doesn't need to go on social media. Keep your relationship private. Nobody should know when your home isn't happy.
Couple stares, couple texts, couple dates, Couple i think that were ready's couple I think we should wait's. Are we actin' like a couple I'm just tryna get it straight, because I'm over here convinced ...
The Final Countdown: they are basically going on a new journey and taking a chance on the unknown, like space is to us. Important to say that the song was based on a keyboard riff Joey Tempest written ...
Never put yourself in a position where you are vulnerable. Always be able to take care of yourself. Having somebody should always be a bonus and not a necessity.
I feel like the problem with these “Would you let your boyfriend/girlfriend” posts is the sense of possession behind them. You don’t own them and they are not your children. You should not be granting ...
I miss the Latta Java Coffee House shop in my hometown neighborhood Villa Park village. I don't mind getting my coffee at chain places but I just love the feel of knowing my barista on a first name ...