Le Programme de liaison autochtone se veut un pont entre les communautés des Premières Nations, des Inuit et des Métis, les organismes autochtones et Statistique Canada. Population d'identité ...
Le tableau montre les résultats de Liste des enquêtes de CDR. Les données sont présentées selon Numéro d'enregistrement (titres de rangée) et Titre de l'enquête et Sigle (figurant comme en-tête de ...
The Elementary to Postsecondary Student Education Dashboard: Enrolments, Graduations and Tuition Fees comprehensive data visualization tool overviews counts of enrolments and graduations for ...
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Have you been invited to participate in the Labour Force Survey (LFS)? If you received an invitation letter in the mail, your address has been selected to participate in the Labour Force Survey. Over ...
Avis : Certaines sections du site Web de Statistique Canada ne seront pas disponibles le mercredi 12 mars 2025 entre 20 h 00 et 24 h 00 (heure de l'Est) en raison de travaux d'entretien. Nous nous ...
The web application Food Services and Drinking Places Sales provides access to data on the sales of food services and drinking places for Canada and by province and territory. This dynamic application ...
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time. Bringing together data, tools and reports to provide you with the latest information on travel and tourism in Canada.
A sure sign of spring in Canada is snow melting and maple taps running on a sunny March day. However, a good maple run requires a stretch of mild spring days and frosty nights. For the fourth spring ...
This table displays the results of RDC surveys list. The information is grouped by Record number (appearing as row headers), Survey name and Acronym (appearing as column headers).
Sign up to My StatCan to get updates in real-time. Bringing together data, tools and analytical papers to provide you with the latest information on retail and ...
The data literacy learning catalogue is organized by the step on the data journey and can be sorted by title, data competency, level, and type. We have created a learning path that you can use as a ...