For over 75 years, the German mechanical engineering company BRÜCKNER has been developing, producing and selling lines for ...
随着风机大型化、轻量化趋势的加剧以及海上风电的快速发展,碳纤维在风电叶片上的应用范围和规模均逐渐增加。出于经济性考虑,当前主流的叶片为玻璃纤维,但在满足刚度和强度要求的条件下,碳纤维风机叶片与现在主流的玻璃纤维叶片相比,重量会减轻 ...
Green fiber is a new concept, because more and more businesses make use of these fibers to cater to consumers’favor for natural and eco-friendly products and make profit from them; meanwhile, it is ...
Abstract: The paper introduced the technological development of sizing machine in 11 aspects, analyzed in details the technological status of 5 major parts of a sizing machine including size trough, ...
Abstract: Bi-component or multi-component fibers are prepared from two or more polymers with different chemical and physical structures. Depending on the different properties of polymer and additives, ...
With the development of economy, the domestic and foreign scholars have already realized the importance of environmental protection. Environmental protection technologies, such as energy conservation ...
Abstract: The paper introduces the status-quo of reclamation of discarded textiles in China and discusses the existing recycling modes including the methods and techniques for recycling discarded ...
Heimtextil2025于1月17日圆满收官,16个展厅人气爆棚,共吸引了来自全球142个国家及地区的展商与观众参与。展商数量超过3000家,国际参展商占比飙升至96%,进一步巩固了Heimtextil作为全球首屈一指的家用及商用纺织品与纺织设计 ...
在当前环保法规日益严格和公众对低碳生活方式广泛认可的背景下,汽车产业已将节能减排作为其核心议题。鉴于能源技术革新的局限性,车辆轻量化成为实现汽车节能减排目标的关键途径之一。研究显示,汽车整车重量降低10%时,燃油效率可提高6% ~ 8%。