With such a hideously-pretentious name, it was inevitable that The Nanjinger’s inert sense of inverted snobbery would kick in ...
The outsider might think of Chinese Opera as a Chinese version of Opera; just singing and dancing to the music with the ...
A cornerstone of modern Chinese education, blending Western academic traditions with Chinese cultural values, the legacy of ...
When I lived in Beijing, students hoping to study abroad would travel half a day to a certain shrine, praying to receive an ...
Following complaints from passengers, Wuxi Shuofang International Airport customer service said that the price of products or food at the Airport will inevitably be higher, but admitted that the ...
It’s something of a slap on the face for Nanjing that the advantages of Hefei have recently been repeatedly highlighted, with many Anhui people now choosing to return to their hometown to settle down.
The notion of “arrivals” likely brings to mind a physical moment. Yet, the concept goes far beyond just travel or movement. An arrival isn’t always about reaching a physical destination; moreover the ...
From learning how to count change, to the pitfalls of credit cards and debit cards, to living on a budget, our kids have a lot to learn about money before they go off on their own. It would be great ...
Let It Be”, which peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart on 11 April 1970, had a special connection to Paul McCartney ...
Held every 4 years and initiated by the International Horticultural Society, the 10th International Strawberry Conference, ...
It was 01:58 on 16 March when the 126-metre-long continuous beam of the Liuhe Bridge for the new Shanghai-Nanjing-Hefei ...
Some 135 kilometres of the G4221’s Taicang-Changzhou section had to be closed for the work to be completed on the night of 12 ...