With a focus on long-term productivity, Tenaris has supported the Larderello geothermal site in Italy for more than 30 years with tubulars and services.
HEZ Energy has commissioned a 6.667 MW portion of the Hez Morali Geothermal Power Plant in the Germencik district of Aydin, ...
STRYDE will be supplying 42,000 seismic nodes to Smart Seismic Solutions for the groundbreaking CarbonCuts CO2 storage project in Denmark.
TAQA Geothermal and EDF will be collaborating on the advancement of geothermal for power generation and cooling applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dutch geothermal heating consortium Aardwarmte Rijnland will be negotiating with new potential partners as Shell reduces its ...
CELEC has started the review process of the applications for consultancy services for the Chachimbiro pilot geothermal ...
The neighboring cities of Puchheim and Germering in Bavaria, Germany have announced plans to establish a company for joint ...
A new geothermal exploration drilling phase has been initiated by Buhar Enerji to support their geothermal greenhouse ...
The first IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition in Vienna, Austria will highlight challenges and opportunities in the upstream aspect of geothermal.
As the Jakarta Drilling Society welcomes its 6th batch of scholars, it also expands it scope to play a wider role in Indonesia's energy independence movement.
A new Geothermal Law is being proposed by Mexican President Claudia Sheinbeum as part of a wider package of planned energy ...
The Colombian National Government hopes to start the first round of bidding for geothermal projects, offering seven areas ...