Resultado de uma parceria entre PNUMA, Bridge for Billions, Instituto Legado e as prefeituras de São Paulo e Curitiba, ...
This global strategy provides an operational plan for how most of the world’s low- and middle-income countries can achieve a ...
Prédios e construções são responsáveis por mais de um terço das emissões globais Metade dos novos edifícios do mundo ainda ...
The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer offers what experts call an unprecedented look at the world’s lakes, rivers and wetlands, ...
Buildings and construction responsible for over a third of global emissions Half the world’s new buildings still lack energy ...
Los edificios y la construcción son responsables de más de un tercio de las emisiones mundiales La mitad de los edificios ...
This is a moment for change. The fashion sector’s unsustainable patterns of consumption and production are contributing directly and significantly to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, ...
Assessments conducted in the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) enhance the collective knowledge of the marine and coastal environment and its interactions with human activities in the ...
The Foresight Briefs provide guidance and inspiration for policy and action, by exploring a range of plausible, alternative futures and their implications. They help to identify emerging environmental ...
While many regions and countries are taking steps to tackle air pollution, greater global cooperation is essential to drive impactful change. UNEP is establishing the new Global Air Quality ...