Am Tag vor dem großen Protest in Belgrad wurde der Zugverkehr in ganz Serbien eingestellt. Grund sei eine „Bombenmeldung“, heißt es auf der Website. Ako ste planirali da na protest u subotu dođete mit ...
Zu den neuen Ausdrücken, die im Zuge der Studentenproteste geprägt wurden, gehören „ćaci“ oder „Ćaci“. Somit entstand ein Dilemma – wie ändert sich der Ausdruck je nach Fall, und es besteht auch ein ...
The announcement that the arrest of opposition leaders is being prepared was published by the Freedom and Justice Party. What do the opposition leaders say to that? Whether and what actions the ...
A theater performance is taking place in the Pioneer Park in front of the Presidency. It has a stage, natural actors, costumes, an audience, and direct communication is often established between those ...
В заявлении ШСП говорится, что правительство Александра Вучича планирует политическое ...
Centar za istraživanje, transparentnost i odgovornost (CRTA) podneo je krivičnu prijavu protiv predsednika Srbije Aleksandar Vučić zbog neovlašćenog raspolaganja informacijama i dokumentacijom koja je ...
Гастроном и ведущий Ненад Гладич, более известный как Лепи Брка, заявил, что сотрудники полиции, обыскивавшие его дом на предмет наркотиков, были «порядочными и вежливыми». Гастроном и ...
Gastronomist and presenter Nenad Gladić, better known as Lepi Brka, announced that the police officers who searched for narcotics on his property were "decent and polite". Gastronom i voditelj Nenad ...
Members of the European Parliament sent a letter today to the President of the European Commission regarding the protests in Serbia. They appeal to warn President Vučić to respect democracy and the ...
Minister Nikola Selaković recently told members of the Belgrade Philharmonic that the new concert hall is an expensive project. Although President Vučić himself promised several times that the ...
Nakon dobrog starta srpske ekonomije u 2002. i pada u 2003. godini, jedino rešenje jeste pristup povoljnim kreditima, koje opet koči siva ekonomija, kaže za „Vreme“ šef beogradske kancelarije ...
Veterans of the Special Operations Unit visited regime "students" the day before the anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. Here's who they are and what they've been doing ...