By Bobby Bascomb Each year, during summer and fall, large groups of baleen whales gather off the coast of California, U.S., ...
Humpback whale song shares statistical structures with human language, highlighting unexpected similarities in communication across species. Credit: OperationCetaces A new study finds that humpback ...
They used recordings from underwater microphones called hydrophones that can detect any whale song for thousands of square kilometers (square miles). They also used photos of whales collected by ...
Eavesdropping on baleen whale songs in the Pacific Ocean reveals year-to-year variations that track changes in the availability of the species they forage on, reports a new study led by John Ryan, of ...
Whale communication via 'whale songs' likely follows a structure similar to that of a human infant learning language. Whale song, a complex and haunting vocalisation, is mainly produced by male ...
Marriage Story' is one of Noah Baumbach's most influentials films, and the director originally intended for it to be an adaptation of a Sondheim musical.
The researchers saw large year-to-year variations in whale song detection. The amount of humpback whale song continually increased, with their songs being detected on 34% of days at the beginning ...
At times, the song becomes electric, as if vibrating like a motor, as the researchers also described. About two-thirds of the way into the footage, the singing whale even makes a brief appearance, ...
By comparison, blue and fin whale song rose primarily during the years where krill was more plentiful. The increase of humpback whale songs is also consistent with their ability to switch between ...
In the new paper, researchers monitored songs from blue, fin and humpback whales off the West Coast of the United States for six years, to see what the song data could reveal about the health of their ...
In the new paper, researchers monitored songs from blue, fin and humpback whales off the West Coast of the United States for six years, to see what the song data could reveal about the health of their ...