武者网讯 将于5月10日在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的UFC ...
最近,一位名叫@burn-豆角创意的博主在网络上引发了热议,他自制的《哪吒2》AI文创雪糕迅速走红,吸引了众多网友的目光。这款以《哪吒2》角色为灵感的雪糕不仅外形可爱,甚至让不少Fans纷纷在评论区留言求购。然而,创作者却调侃道:“这可不兴吃啊!” 背后的原因,值待读者们进一步探索。
A young Polynesian woman trapped in an abusive relationship burns down her boyfriend's home. She flees into the mountains where she discovers a mythical creature that guides her back to her ancestral ...
GBC律所,全称Greer, Burns & ...
He'd seen the proof in black and white. 他看到了白纸黑字的证据。 The movie was shot in black and white. 那部电影拍成了黑白片。 Have money to burn ≠ 有钱去烧 其实,按字面意思也很好理解,“Have money to burn”的意思就是:有花不完的钱;有用不完的钱。 例句: Buying ...