What's the standard "roadmap" to learning quantum physics?
I'm really interested in quantum physics and would like to learn more. However, I don't know where to start and in what order I should learn things. So, ideally I'm looking for some sort of roadmap...
What is the difference between Quantum Physics, Quantum …
Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at microscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. Quantum mechanics departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales.
Good quantum physics textbooks [duplicate] - Physics Stack …
But in quantum physics, usually even for simple problems I can get stuck or don't know where to start. I want to rebuild my knowledge from a new source. The literature I've used so far is: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J.Griffiths, Quantum physics by Leonard Schiff, Modern Quantum Mechanics (Revised Edition) by J.J.Sakurai.
What is a correct and simple definition of quantum physics?
2011年10月24日 · A correct and simple definition: "quantum physics" is a collection of models of physical phenomena which use the mathematics of "Hilbert space" to make operational predictions for the outcomes of laboratory experiments.
What is a good introductory book on quantum mechanics?
The standard undergraduate books on quantum mechanics are not very good in comparison to these, and should not be used. A book which requires minimum of calculus or continuous mathematics is Nielsen & Chuang: "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" This focuses on modern research, and discrete systems in quantum computation.
How to understand locality and non-locality in Quantum Mechanics?
2015年8月16日 · Are you talking quantum field theory where there are operator valued fields defined in space and locality is about operators determined by spacelike separated regions commuting. Or nonrelativistic quantum mechanics where the wavefunction is not defined on space (it is defined on configuration space)? Please clarify.
Questions tagged [quantum-mechanics] - Physics Stack Exchange
Quantum mechanics describes the microscopic properties of nature in a regime where classical mechanics no longer applies. It explains phenomena such as the wave-particle duality, quantization of energy, and the uncertainty principle and is generally used in single-body systems. Use the quantum-field-theory tag for the theory of many-body quantum-mechanical systems.
Linear algebra for quantum physics - Physics Stack Exchange
A week ago I asked people on this site what mathematical background was needed for understanding Quantum Physics, and most of you mentioned Linear Algebra, so I decided to conduct a self-study of L...
I wanna learn Quantum Physics
I'm searching for a book, video documentary, or any other source of information to learn Quantum Physics from the beginning. I know almost nothing on physics, so I guess I would need the basics fir...
What is a quantum state? - Physics Stack Exchange
2021年8月31日 · Second, we can use a state to predict the outcomes of observations. This general picture applies to classical mechanics, thermodynamics, chemistry, control theory, software engineering, quantum mechanics etc. State in quantum mechanics Perhaps the best way to intuit what the quantum state is is to consider how it connects to observable quantities.