2021年12月14日 · particular” when asked about their religious identity. Self-identified Christians of all varieties (including Protestants, Catholics, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter …
2021年1月1日 · Religious affiliation of members of 117th Congress State District Name Party Continuing/freshman Denominational family AK At-large Don Young R Continuing …
religious beliefs and practices, are now available in the Maps section of the online presentation. As we explain in the introduction to the first report of the Landscape Survey, there are many …
findings about religious beliefs and practices. It showed that while there is much c ommonality of belief among Muslims around the globe on some key tenets of their faith, there also are …
of these important issues. The U.S. Religious Landscape Survey includes reliable estimates of the size of religious groups in the United States as well as detailed information on their …
2021年1月1日 · affected religious beliefs and family situations. Data for this report is drawn from nationally representative telephone surveys conducted from June 10 to Aug. 3, 2020, among …
observance, and a score of -1 on each measure on which they exhibit a low level of religious observance. High religious observance is defined as saying religion is very important in one’s …
the same religious beliefs as their teen, but a teen who disagrees. And another 4% consist of a parent who says they share some beliefs with their teen, while the teen says their beliefs are …
2020年8月26日 · you say that? [PROBE FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS] their religion and science, and what role they think values should play in The important thing in …