engineering - Roman engineers - History of Science and …
Also for what concerns military engineering you have to consider that the Roman legions were, already from the Republican era, travelling together with a supporting praefectus fabrum that was basically an engineer concerned with road-building, camp fortifications and artillery constructions. The sieges of Veio (450 b.c) and Lilibeo (1st punic ...
Why are there no known Roman mathematicans from the Roman …
By the way, many Roman works in engineering, applied science (including military science!) were also mostly written in Greek. See a related discussion here: Roman engineers. Greek was the language of science in the Roman Empire. Similar to how Latin was the language of Science in Europe in the 16th to 18th centuries. EDIT.
architectural engineering - Did the ancient Romans know and use …
2023年3月15日 · For an arch with a span to height ratio of 2:1, with filled spandrels: in that case a semi-circular profile is certainly superior, and quite close to optimal. Example of roman ingenuity: in the construction of the Pantheon dome: for the upper dome levels pumice was used as aggregate in the concrete; they were working the density $\endgroup$
Newest 'roman-empire' Questions - History of Science and …
2024年2月24日 · The Romans did not have Indian numerals. Worse still, they did not have the decimal system. Yet, they produced amazing works of engineering and architecture.
physics - How was difference in water pressure perceived in …
2015年12月8日 · Dynamic pressure was very poorly understood before the modern times (that is before Bernoulli). Of course one cannot be sure what Archimedes really knew, besides what he wrote in the texts that survived, but a survived Roman engineering work on hydraulics shows very poor understanding of the matter. There is a modern commentary analysing this work.
Were ancient Romans so bad at computations before Arab …
2019年7月10日 · Roman numerals were just used to record numbers, not to do long computations. Though shorter computations were, in fact, easier in the Roman system than in the Arab system. This is explained here and is a fascinating read. Pope Sylvester II (946-1003) introduced Arabic numerals to Europe but without 0. Without 0, Arabic numerals can't compete ...
Highest scored 'roman-empire' questions - History of Science and ...
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Newest 'engineering' Questions - History of Science and …
Q&A for people interested in the history and origins of science and mathematics
'roman-empire' tag wiki - History of Science and Mathematics …
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User Roman Starkov - History of Science and Mathematics Stack …
Q&A for people interested in the history and origins of science and mathematics